
Showing posts from May, 2018


Things our  generations  have lost  due to white lies and  brainwashings . A  DIBỊA  in Igbo African culture is a man or a woman with vast knowledge of nature and  spirituality . In some cases they are called the wise ones, great ones, the eyes of the gods, or doctors which is the  literal  meaning of the word  DIBỊA  in Igbo language, ( native doctors). In this knowledge, mostly people are divinely  chosen to be a  DIBỊA , and sometimes also can be learned by being around or serving as apprentice to a well rich in knowledge  DIBỊA . There are several branches of being a DIBỊA ,  hence  being a  DIBỊA  is a vast knowledge, and I mean as vast as when you say in English that someone is a doctor. For example in  western  world a doctor  defines  as follows. A teacher or a learned man. A  person  who holds a  doctorate . A...