
Showing posts from August, 2017

Awkunanaw Voices Face of Awkunanaw for the month of August 2017

Face of Awkunanaw for the Month of August STATISTICS: 34-24-36 OCCUPATION: Dancer, Music and Dance Director CONTACT:

Awkunanaw Women in Politics

 Politics is said to be the activities of the government, members of law-making organization or people who try to influence the way a country is governed.  The big question is, how are women in politics perceived or those who intend to to go into politics? Are they supported by the male gender? or should the female gender resign to fate and only carry out their duties in the kitchen and the other room?  If there's any woman from Awkunanaw clan that has ever held any political appointment, is certainly by a share stroke of luck or because destiny played a greater part. Take the case of Hon. Onyinye Ugwu (Mrs) a member of the Enugu state of Assembly,  Hon Ifeoma Ugwu (PDP ward 1councillor), Hon (Mrs) Theresa Egbo (former chief whip Enugu state) for an example, and this is because men are seen as the breadwinner of the family and age-long tradition and culture which placed men above women,forgetting the fact that most women are now the breadwinners of thei...

UMU OKUNANO : Our role in the forth coming Council Elections

We are currently in the throes of a monumental and historic local government area council’s election. One that will shape the direction of our communities and the Okunano clan for the next few years to come. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that we as a people and free citizens of Nigeria will be faced with an important decision. Today, we are facing unprecedented challenges. It is time for this generation of Okunanians to address our problems and seize the profound opportunities before us. Today, our clan, Okunano is calling us to active duty. Our people needs us. Needs us to get off our couches and participate. You can’t just say you love Okunano and then remain silent. Patriotism and love of Okunano are more than just feeding the hungry ones amongst us with momentary fish to quench their hunger for the now; it is accepting the challenge and responsibility to do your part to participate. You can and will make our clan okunano stronger by acceptin...