The Descendants of Akegbe Ogwugwueze
Obuoffia , Akegbe-Ugwu, Amodu and Umah were the four sons of Akegbe Ogwugwueze(a.k.a. Okunano or Osagwede Osawuwa) as recorded by our history. Should there be any more children born to him this wasn't mentioned in the Oral and documented history available to us for the now.
These four sons as siblings united to form a protective wall and boundaries around themselves to wade of enemies, intrusion and encroachment as was the case in those days hence the name "Oku' na'ano'" which means four bloc's or four plates.
By order of arrangement, this narrative is supposed to follow the sequence of seniority in Awkunanaw accordingly. But certain facts and figures are yet to be confirmed, unless this is done, I am afraid our researches and publications will surely have gaps that may further alienate us with our history.
This is our designed order of presentation:
1. The story of Obuoffia(... loading)
2. The story of Akegbe-Ugwu(... loading)
3. The story of Amodu (... loading)
4. The story of Umah (.... loading)
5. The story of Umueze (.... loading)
6. The history of Ugwuaji(.... loading)
7. The history of Akwuke (.... loading)
And a whole lot's more!!!! Stay tuned. To be continued.
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