
Showing posts from December, 2021

Unforgettable - The History of Awkunanaw Welfare Association.

This umbrella cultural organization, whose philosophy was socio-cultural, was as well socio-economic in its programmes and activities.  It eventually became a platform at the vanguard for the sociocultural emancipation of our people.  The idea to set up this association was mooted up by the likes of Chiefs Okeke Ede (Amechi  ), Onyia Ebiem ( Amechi  ), Michael Ujam (Obeagu), John Igwesi(. Obuofia) and David Ani Ugbo (Amodu), and others. The fight began in 1946, when it became apparent that Okorome – where all Awkunanaw children attended school was insufficient to accommodate the growing army of school children. By then, the Methodist Group School, Akegbe stopped only at Standard 4.  Children from the villages such as Akegbe, Obuoffia, Amodu and Uma had their infant education (today’s crèche and nursery) with the Methodist Mission, and thereafter  had to transfer to Okorome (Ozalla) for Standard 1-4, and finally round off their education at Methodist Central School, Agbani for Standards...

As was foretold, #VCN was set up

When in October, 26th 2019. REPARATIONS FOR OKUNANO ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATION CAMPAIGN Page on Facebook posted this Question and called for a word of advice to our brother, Dr. Victor Chukwuemeka Nnam from Umu Okunano, lots of encomiums enveloped the page... The post simply put read: Are there implications to having a full bred Okunano Osagwede Osawuwa man as the commissioner for Lands and urban development in Enugu state at a time our lands were being grabbed with impunity? What are we to expect? The current commissioner is a young man of impeccable character and integrity, who has a long and outstanding grasp of what's up between Enugu state Government(his employer) and his immediate community. By a stroke of fate, the appointment to stand up for Okunano Osagwede communities landed on his lap. The lofty questions now becomes: 1. Does he have the guts? 2. Will He restore once again the pride of Osagwede? To whom much is given much is expected. A word of advice for our brother the H...