
Ndi Igbo: A history in debate

Several historians of  Igbo culture  have written various accounts concerning where Igbos originated from. Anyone writing an historical account of Igbo people must have facts to back it up. However, no historian can claim the historical accounts of other historians are either truthful or falsehood, because no historical account is nobler than the other. Here are two (2) historical accounts of Igbo origin:  Igbos are descendants of Jacob who later became known as Israel. Israel had 12 sons one of which was known as Gad. When famine caused Jacob and his sons to migrate to Egypt where there was an abundance of food at the time. They remained in Egypt for many years; before the Egyptians became envious and began to persecute the Israelites.Gad who became the patriarch of all Igbos had 7 sons – Eri was the 5th of them. Before the Egyptian persecution began, Eri in company of his family and associates left Egypt after catching an inkling of impending pe...

Let's Remember Chiji Agbo: It's 13 years today!

Ten years on and it looks as if it was just yesterday. The memories about him remain evergreen because he lives in the hearts that he touched. And they are many! Neither a star nor comet heralded his birth on March 19, 1942 but the then rusty Amechi, Awkunanaw community in today’s Enugu State had the presence of mind to recognize that a child who would later shine brighter than star had been born. And 10 years ago when he joined the saints, beyond Awkunanaw, the world was aware that that a star had dimed but not his name, not his good deeds while on earth. The death of Chief Chiji Agbo brings to an end, an elegant era. Born to the family of late Chief Nwankwo Agbo and Madam Comfort Agbo, Chiji, a seasoned industrialist died on July 17, 2005. A man with a good heart, Chiji would rather surrender his last kobo to the needy rather than see the them suffer. As a landlord, he was an unusual one to his tenants who he treated like his own biological children. Chiji would rather return lat...


NOMINATIONS NOW ON: How to Nominate a candidate: Miss Okunano Osagwede Global(online Photo Contest) 2018 Facebook Online Nominations has Kicked Off. To Nominate your candidate Step 1: "LIKE" This Page Step 2: Upload/Share your candidate's Picture on our Facebook page under this post: NOMINATE YOUR CANDIDATE. Step 3: Comment on the picture Step 4: send us your candidate's profile and statistics on Facebook Messenger or Email to: Step 5: Like our sponsors page on: Note: Always use the Hash Tag ‪#MissOkunanoOsagwedeGlobal #onlinephotocontest #AdaOsagwede #faceofOkunano #RoadToMissOkunanoOsagwedeGlobal  when Commenting On All Across Social Media To Join The Nationwide Conversations.  Miss Okunano Osagwede (Online Photo Contest) Global 2018 Grand Finale will take place at: VENUE: Romchi Event Center, Romchi Hotels, off Agbani road,Enugu.  DATE: 1st December, 2018. || TIME: 5pm Red Carpet.  For Sponsorship/Partnership: 08...

Matrimonial issues in Okunanoland. A poser!

What is the right of a second wife over the estate of her deceased husband?  Especially where the first wife bore the first son of the family?

Help us provide portable water for Okunano Osagwede communities

In Okunanoland, we have always sourced water from the community streams and rivers…but as urbanization has emerged to envelope us, our streams have dried up. what is left of the rivers are now polluted water and no good for drinking. All over the clan, are worries about outbreaks of waterborne diseases, such as scabies or Zika, which is transmitted by mosquitoes breeding in standing water.  Only 45% of the residents have access to clean drinking water, and just 10 percent of wastewater treatment plants (popularly known as"Pure-water" packed in polythene satchet) are working, according to figures released by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control-NAFDAC In the worse-hit communities, such as the Amechi Awkunanaw, Amechi-Uwani and Obeagu Awkunanaw  doctors are seeing worrying numbers of patients with conjunctivitis and gastritis brought on by contaminated water and poor hygiene." EcoloBlue has been manufacturing Atmospheric Water Generators that cr...

Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo!

The Okunano Osagwede adage: "Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo" is a legacy that nature conveys on the elders of the families successively, the responsibility of transmitting correctly the values of the land, the culture and traditions of the Okunano people to the younger generation.  It is the hope of those who have passed on that their successors in the form of their parents,siblings and other members of their extended family, will fulfill these duties and responsibilities by carrying on in their stead. Okpétéru àhzi: meaning he that comes last, the last person or the surviving successor... the surviving eldest In the lineage of the family automatically enters into the position of leadership of that family by default. 'Guchió uzo' idiomatically means to enter into the duty of transmitting the family or cultural values correctly thereby guiding and supporting members of the family.  "Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo" : The last person in line should please close the doors  ...

Okà Ngene Nne-ada land, Agbana

Okà Ngene nne-ada is a 10-plots of land situated behind the Enugu lifestyle and golf city estate otherwise known as Enugu Centenary Estates Agbana. It is legitimately owned by Umu-Nkwuo Aga and Umu-Onu-aga families both of Umu-Aniagayiba of Umuagomangene family unit of Ndiaga village in Amechi-Uwani community of Okunano Osagwede Osawuwa Clan in Enugu South Local Government Area.  The okà Ngene-nne-ada plot of land is a real pleasure to behold with the serene grace of nature. A   spiraling layout bounded by a natural spring water paths, a burst of energetic rainforest giving way to the aggressive intrusion of urbanization. Sandwiched between Obeagu Awkunanaw and Amechi-Uwani Awkunanaw communities and at Agbana precisely. The Umu-Onu-aga and Umu-Aniagayiba families are members of Awkunanaw Landowners Association.  The families representatives are Elder Emmanuel Ukwu and Sir Laz Ani(JP) They jointly hold the power of attorney for the above mentioned plot of land. For all enq...