Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo!

The Okunano Osagwede adage: "Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo" is a legacy that nature conveys on the elders of the families successively, the responsibility of transmitting correctly the values of the land, the culture and traditions of the Okunano people to the younger generation. 

It is the hope of those who have passed on that their successors in the form of their parents,siblings and other members of their extended family, will fulfill these duties and responsibilities by carrying on in their stead.

Okpétéru àhzi: meaning he that comes last, the last person or the surviving successor... the surviving eldest In the lineage of the family automatically enters into the position of leadership of that family by default.

'Guchió uzo' idiomatically means to enter into the duty of transmitting the family or cultural values correctly thereby guiding and supporting members of the family. 

"Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo" : The last person in line should please close the doors 

Alas! These days, the last persons in the line (the elders) in most families and communities have failed woefully in their respective duties, for they have seized the opportunity to actualize their proposed evil intentions hence they have lost respect within their various circle.

Respect is earned! 

In those days of our fathers, the elders, the custodians of our family and cultural values exuded a powerful aura, "éwurú" they don't demand respect, it's always in air around you for you dare not speak when you don't have to...


Because there is an aura "éwurú" that shields the elder who upholds the truth and justice.

The elders of those days are usually preceded by their integrity and reputation for upholding justice.

Even in the face of the greatest opposition to justice, such elders are known to simply speak the truth, pick up their "mkpó" walking sticks and stroll away.

Góó rû ñsó ndu éya'! Mgbé àñà só ñsó. 

Ñsó adûwó hó! And until the elders of this generation successfully returns to those values. Through upholding the truth and justice even in our current condition, they will know no more rest nor respect.

Because many of us, elders of the family and of the communities have desecrated the land. We have shamelessly become like the dog that chewed up the ornamental bones fastened to our collars. "Nkuta tàrû ókpúkpú àñyàwà rú e ñ ôñú"

Why then  would the youth show us any iota of regards? We don't deserve it! For respect is earned is never demanded. We have become "Òrinó-òrinó", who have sold their conscience for food and drinks. 

Our question becomes: How much food is enough food?And how much wine and" okû yà ñdû-okû yà owû will appease our selfish impetuosity?

Take a trip around Okunano, the real elders are almost extinct. In some cases, young people of between 40-50 years of age have become the elders of their families and communities. 

What a shame!  Because of ñjó-ñri, richà-richà, and adû àsó ñsó-àni.

The worst is yet come...

Do you think that the elemental beings that served, supported and helped our fore-fathers will support and encourage our evil ways?

No! They will not, in fact, they will frustrate us. They are the executive forces of nature. They swing in truth and justice, they know no evil....

They kept our fathers in their own times..   kept and made Okunano what it was in those days. They have turned their backs on us. They will not work with evil.

Hear the call!  And answer to the Voices of our ancestors: "Okpétéru àhzi guchió uzo!" Awake now from your selfish and greed induced coma.

The forest is already on fire! Okû érékûwó kwérú àjí

May the Almighty Father grant us mercy.....



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