
Showing posts from September, 2016


The 192-page Okunano dialectical Picture Dictionary will be a valuable literacy tool based on aspects of Okunano culture, both past and present. It is a resource for school children and their teachers, for igbo speakers wanting to become literate in Okunano and for anyone wanting to learn about the Okunano language. The dictionary contains a pronunciation guide and each entry includes a sample sentence and is associated with an appropriate illustration. Lets’do it, People! Ndhu bahyi ka dee ehyo kwe nnu!

I love Okunano



SCOREBOARD: Its has been a tradition in igbo land and also in the culture of most people around the world that each coming generation enters into the duty of the passing one naturally, the son in the stead of his father, the daughter in that of her mother! I remember a time a child, even the youths will only listen to learn from the wisdom of the elders! Who are you to stand up to speak before our elders? What have you to say? Have you listened and learnt enough? When a man i s sired by one man and bred by many others!  Otoko! That" my father told me" is the greatest oath any man could take in those days. Have we the children of sages suddenly turned soft? Agu ona amu ka nu ume ndu bayi? How have we faired? In terms of preserving this great culture and traditions of our land, how have we faired? In terms of being our brothers keeper, how have we faired? Ndi muru anyi na agwa ojiji, na ezshi nwanne? How have we faired? Ogu orukerhu na oru onye kwajirhu? Ndi b...

The Palm tree

The Palm tree is one our greatest asset in the form of economic trees in Okunano, of which we are blessed with many. But one important fact about the palm tree is that there's nothing useless about it! Everything and every part of this tree is very useful, from the palm-wine to the chaff or it's supposed wastes. Every thing is valued! Nature has its own language which is unique and associated with the okunano man and I quote: "There is nothing useless about the Okunano man, I stand to be corrected, but show me a useless man, and I will bet you: He is not from Okunano" Osagwede! My people, My home, My pride! Nature has spoken!


 ATTEND Awkunanaw Food & Drink Festival, On the 26th-28th of December, 2016 @ Akpasha, Akegbe-Ugwu Awkunanaw. Book for your sales Booth Now. Call: 0818 431 5503

Awkunanaw Voice(TM) Proposal!

Awkunanaw Voice ™ Publication is designed to provide for the Okunano Osagwede clan a platform and a mouthpiece of people by the people and for the people. As the official media that provides information and articulates the activities of the Awkunanaw Carnival Group, Awkunanaw Voice™ engages every indigene of the clan by igniting, sharing and archiving the oral traditions and cultural values of our history. The Awkunanaw Voice™ team is committed to opening this carnival to all groups (kindred, villages, towns and music groups) in Okunano Osagwede Clan. The carnival being the first of its kind cultural and entertainment project, and having been praised and accepted widely by her many partners for the efforts made to widen the appeal of our culture and traditions. Awkunanaw Carnival Group would like to demonstrate that we understand the issues and barriers faced by our people, by producing a robust equity action plan; we are clear about what we need to do to become more equi...

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism has become the focal point in tourism development in emerging economies in recent years.   This is due to the fact that much of the revenue from tourism is not getting to the people who own the tourism assets. When these assets are natural or a part of the people’s culture and traditions then it rests on the communities to protect them. A potential rests within our grasps… just a step from reality.