Igbo enwé Eze!
"Igbo enwé Eze"
The Igbo have been known to pride themselves on democracy and freedom where consensus is the norm rather than bowing to the commands or wishes of the "king". Consensus amongst the Igbo has always been between " Oha na Eze" It is generally known that the individualistic and freedom-loving nature of the Igbo people does not support feudal or monarchical culture -that the Igbo's are incompatible with monarchical culture.
Professor Onwumechili at the the 2000 Ahiajoku lecture for Igbos, asserted this fact when he said that "the pre-colonial traditional government of the Igbo without kings imbued in them the characteristic traits that prompt the saying that 'Igbo Enwe Eze'
So how come Ndi Igbo are deceiving or are allowing themselves to be decieved?
Who is fooling who?
Without a common ground or platform, the diversely oriented Igbo's are being promised the leadership of this country come 2023...
We dey laugh o!😁😁😁😁
The Igbo's as a people have still got a lot of work to do on themselves.
Unless this is done, there will be no headway for the Igbo man in the diversity called Nigeria.......
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